Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Abraham Lincoln

by Adam

My report is on Abraham Lincoln. This essay will go over Lincoln and what happened to him. We will discuss his childhood, presidency, and the Civil War. and his assassination.

First, we will discuss his childhood: Lincoln was born in 1809 in a log cabin with a grass floor. His father was a farmer. His dog Honey saved him from an avalanche in a cave.

Next, we will discuss his presidentsy,Lincoln was the 16th president. He was a lawyer and loved to read. He was the first president to get assassinated. He signed the Emancipation Declaration freeing all slaves in the United States.

Now we will discuss the Civil War, The Civil War was the most brutal USA conflict. The first battle was at Fort Sumter. Lincoln had a general named General Grant, who later also became a president. The Civil War ended in 1865 and the Union won over the Confederates.

Finally, we will discuss the Assassination. Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865, and he died on April 15th. Both yelled “The Southerners are revenged” when he shot Lincoln. Conclusion. My conclusion is, Abraham Lincoln is one of the greatest presidents. He ended slavery. He was fun to research

Source: Abdo Zoom, and YouTube

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