Hello my name is Alfred Wegener I had the continental drift theory. And I will teach you about my work and unusual life.
I was born on November 1, 1880 in berlin Germany. My father taught classical languages. There was not much going on in my early life. although my 5 brothers and I set a new record for a balloon fight that lasted for a continuous 52.5 hours from april 5 to april 7. Although I was the youngest I got college degrees in meteorology, geology and astronomy. I fought in world war ln l as a reserve officer but soon retired after experiencing fierce fighting. In 1912 I wrote a paper explaining my theory, Continental Drift. My partner's thought my theory was crazy and I unwillingly earned The nickname “Mad Man With A Map”.
Continental drift is when millions of years ago the American continents formed a single landmass with the Asian and European continents. But over time it has moved to take its current form. Although my estimate of velocity was 25 cm/year it has been proved to be 2.5 cm/year.
I went on four Greenland expeditions trying to prove my theory. But on my fourth in 1930 I got caught in a terrible blizzard and died in -76˚F at age 50. I was found dead 6 months after the blizzard and my grave was marked with a pair of skis. 30 years after I died in 1960 after world war 2 geologists discovered plate tectonics. Although they already knew about tectonic plates but plate tectonics is explaining how tectonic plates work . With that they proved my theory.
In Conclusion Alfred Wegener is a brilliant guy because his theory was amazing, interesting and very important to us today.
(p.s. I’m a ghost telling this biography.)
Source(s): en.wikipedia.org
Presentation Notes:
"Hello, I had the continental drift theory. I was born on November 1, 1880. I went on four Green land expeditions and I was meteorologist and a geologist."
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