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How much do you know about Julius Caesar? Well you can find out some more about him by reading this biography. You will learn much about him,his military career,death,some of his amazing feats and his strange ways.
Julius Caesar was born July 13th 100 BC. He grew up as a great general but ended up fighting the wrong people. He started a civil war in his own country! Another Roman man named Pompey beat him once in the Roman Civil War but Caesar came back and beat him. Julius Caesar almost always let the people he beat live and would “pardon” them and ,in a way, put them in his debt. A lot of the Romans he beat in the Roman Civil War preferred death to this treatment, which I don’t understand.
After he won the Roman Civil War he involved himself in the Egyptian Civil War.The war was between Cleopatra and her husband who was also her brother! Caesar ended up killing Cleopatra's husband/brother. After he settled that civil war he started a relationship with Cleopatra! Then Caesar fought and beat The King of Pontus, Cato who committed suicide so he wouldn't pardoned by Caesar since he was a Roman. I told you that these roman guys preferred death to being pardoned by Caesar. Then he fought and ended up killing (one of)Pompey’s two sons. It is was in the war against Pompey’s sons that Caesar came the closest to dying while staying alive. His army was so scared of the army of Pompey’s sons that they would not fight them. Caesar solved this problem by grabbing a shield and a sword and running at Pompey’s sons army by himself! His whole army then ran up to protect Caesar and won the battle.
Caesar returned to Rome and was appointed dictator for life in February 44 BC. He was preparing for another war, this time with the Parthian Empire but before he started the war he was...assassinated! On March 14 44 BC, when Caesar was going to a meeting in a sennet chamber chamber he was attacked by sixty senators and stabbed twenty-three times. Probably very few of the wounds was fatal. He did not die instantly but instead bled out at the feet of a statue of Pompey. A bit ironic. He ended the military career and indirectly the life of one of the greatest military men in Rome and he ended up bleeding out at the feet of his statue. After he died all the common,poor people attacked the houses of some of the people who had participated in his assassination like Brutus.
Julius Caesar was a very cool Roman. He did a lot of things. Some good some bad. But whether what he did was good or bad he made a big impact in Roman and modern history.
My sources were: Wikipedia and Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast
Presentation Notes:
"Hello, I just got back from a battle and barely had time to clean up , so I might be a bit drowsy."
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