Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla - Wikipedia

By Jesse
Nikola Tesla is one of the most important inventors in the world. His inventions are used in our electric systems, radios, and hydroelectricity. It would not be like what it is like today without him

Nikola was born in Croatia in 1856. He grew up on a farm and first noticed electricity when he pet his cat and got shocked. His mom invented things around the house. He was a curious child. Nikola also liked inventing things. In college he studied electrical engineering. He left college without a degree after his father died.

Nikola moved to New York to work with Thomas Edison, but they did not get along. It took Nikola 7 years to invent an electric motor with an alternating current (A.C.) instead of a direct current (D.C.). Once he invented it, there was a debate about whether A.C. or D.C. was better. Nikola worked with Westinghouse to show that A.C. was better because it could transmit electricity farther. Nikola’s final inventions include the first hydro powerplant on Niagara Falls and the first wireless radio communication.

Nikola died poor after giving his invention rights to Westinghouse. He died in New York city in 1943.

It is cool that he made inventions that changed the world. Even though he died poor, he now has a car named after him so maybe his work will be appreciated.

Sources “A life electric,” Wikipedia, and the Electric war.

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