Monday, May 13, 2019

Branch Rickey

      By Nolan        
Branch Rickey is someone who gave a gift to the game of baseball. He is someone who went through barriers in his life. He knew the game of baseball like the back of his hand. There is so much information on him, so why don’t I share some information with you right now! 
Branch Rickey was born in 1881 in Stockdale, Ohio. He had siblings and when he got older, he and other people in town like his siblings would play baseball. He was good at the game of baseball as a player and eventually as a manager. When Branch Rickey went to college at Ohio Wesleyan University, he played for their baseball team and coached the team too. After college he had a phone call from the Cincinatti Reds asking if he would like to come play for thier baseball team. He thought about it but he turned the offer down remembering he promised his mother that he could not play baseball on Sunday for religious reasons. 
Branch Rickey was a smart person who came up with great inventions to help the game of baseball. Education was important to his parents. when he was younger the local book store went down in flames and the postal office did to so his father went out and tried to find as many books as he could so Branch, and his siblings could read. Branch Rickey came up with ideas like the batting helmet, sliding pits, hitting teas and a formation of strings to represent the strike zone. Branch also invented the farm system where major league teams can get players from what we now call the minor league. 
Branch Rickey was a kind human being who gave people a chance. He introduced a new idea that would change the game.  When Branch was a manager, he hired good players like Pee Wee Reece and Jackie Robinson, the first African American in major league baseball. Yes, he hired the man who changed baseball forever Jackie Robinson. This move was a racial breakthrough that would let people play who never had the chance to  
Branch Rickey is an interesting person to learn about. He achieved lots of things and if you have a goal, you should go for it. I want to make a difference in my hobbies and my community. You can make a difference if try just like Branch Rickey! 


42.  Directed by Brian Helgeland. Legendary Pictures, 2013. Editors. “Branch Rickey Biography”.  A&E Television Networks., 2019. 

Frystak, Timothy D. Jackie Robinson: With Profiles of Satchel Paige and Branch Rickey. World Book, 2007. 

McCue, Andy. “Branch Rickey”. Society for American Baseball Research., 2019. 

Wikipedia Editors. “Branch Rickey”., 2019. 

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