Thursday, May 11, 2023

Jesus Christ

by: Eli .J

What's up guys in this presentation I will be telling you about Jesus Christ. A snippet of what is coming is that Jesus wares a robe!

so, Jesus was born between six and five bc he was born in Bethlehem, Israel in a manger in a Stable his mom’s name is Mary his father Joseph are his earth parents He is the true son of God he has cured a blind person and cured a pearlized person to.

He had twelve disciples Thomas, Peter, Judas Iscriot, Andrew, James, John, Bartholomew, Matthew, Philip, Simon, Matthias, and Marke. People use to have to lame blood on their door because God got mad at people of. Earth And then God Tolled Jesus to everyone to put lame blood on their door God sent do the angel of death and if they did not have blood on their door, they would die

when Jesus died, he was the four ever. Sacrifice when he died on the cross then Jesus concerned death also, I took four Romen sloggers just to put on the Lide of his tome but before he escaped an angel came down and. Scared the Romen sloggers so bad, they passed out then he escaped. Before he died for three days, he taught his twelve dispels then he went to Hevan and a dove is a resamples to the Holy spirit oh ya the resin the Romens killed because they thought he was an all-powerful man but the whole point he was such nice guy

This was a presentation about Jesus. I hope you enjoyed it so see you next time peace out.

*Violin chores in the background*

My family
Jesus Christ

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